Jeff Bartlett is the founder of Healthy Solutions RI and is an Independent Isagenix Associate.

Healthy Solutions RI firmly believes that wellbeing is an art and that Isagenix has brought that art to you with the highest quality wellness products, support, and so much more. After having a life changing experience with the Entune CBD Transdermal patches HSRI founder, Jeff Bartlett, embarked on making the wellness he discovered available for everyone! When the original makers of the Entune CBD Patches were were unsure of what to expect. What he discovered was there were many reasons why Isagenix has been worldwide wellness leaders for 20 years!

Here’s a video about the amazing Entune CBD Patches

CBD comes in many forms! Watch this video to see why Entune Transdermal CBD Patches have the best method of CBD intake.

Isagenix has successfully run Isabody Challenges that have garnered impressive results. Using a proven system, backed by doctors and quality research people have been taking on the challenge and seeing just how well they can feel! Interested in the Isabody Challenge? Take a look at this video and know that through the Healthy Solutions RI Facebook page you’ll join with members who will provide quality support and encouragement!